
Waterfine, is the first independent local, indigenous and national waterfield services company, providing a full range of services in drilling water wells and harboring seaports, as well as in the field of qualification and training.

The Corporation strives to be the number one provider of water field services locally and internationally. The Academy relies on training and qualification to disseminate and implement health, safety and environment policy in the workplace and strive to achieve the common goal of “creating a safe workplace.”

Waterfine Training and Rehabilitation Department: undertakes to do the hard work for you and your team by training and qualifying your team with a set of specialized and focused programs and courses for the nature of your work and areas of your activities, in addition to providing the necessary advice in helping you to comply with your legal obligations, To ensure a structured approach to health and safety and seaport security management, and to know everyone in your business has the right way to do things by creating a package tailored to your needs, we can eliminate the hassles of managing workplace health and safety. Whether you need a fire risk assessment or a security, health and safety management system.

Why Waterfine Corporation for Engineering Services, Safety and Seaports Security?

Every successful company understands that preventing accidents and ill health at work is a primary consideration and an important factor in protecting its brand and reputation.Tragically, hundreds of people die each year from accidents in the workplace with millions injured or ill-health as a result, accident prevention – and especially the development of a qualified workforce – should be a major priority for any organization.

Providing effective health and safety training is a key element in ensuring a competent workforce. It will help you

  •  Reducing the number of accidents and ill health.
  • Fulfill your legal duties.
  • Avoiding the financial costs of accidents and ill health.
  • Develop a positive safety culture, where safe and healthy work is the normal.

Regardless of your industry sector or the nature or size of your business, all employees must be provided with appropriate and appropriate health and safety training from senior managers to staff.

Our Goals

  • Providing high quality integrated training solutions and consulting services and conducting specialized professional scientific studies.
  • Linking the theoretical side to practical application in training courses for companies, organizations, government institutions, as well as for students of universities and related institutes, and to contribute to sustainable development.
  • Spreading a culture of community knowledge in health, safety and environment.
  • Keeping abreast of the latest programs and modern technologies in health, safety and environment sciences.

Our Programs

  • Courses and programs in occupational safety, health and safety.
  • Security and safety in seaports.
  • Courses in occupational safety services and consultancy in ports and oil and agricultural facilities.
  • Governmental institutions and bodies.
  • Education and training institutions (schools, universities, colleges and institutes).
  • Production establishments, factories and workshops.
  • Local and international organizations.
  • Hotels and bathrooms.
  • Banks and exchange companies.
  • Commercial and investment companies.
  • Population sectors.
  • Popular and commercial markets.
  • Ports.